Mr. Fale Benson Orowole
General Manager Marketing
Mr. Fale Benson is a Fellow of Chartered Institute of Loans & Risk Management of Nigeria (FCILRM), an Associate member of Chartered Institute of Accountants of Nigeria (ACA), Associate of Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (ACTI) and Associate of Institute of Cost Management (ACM). He holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degree in Accounting from University of Lagos, Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Management from LAUTECH and Master of Science (MSc.) in Business Administration from National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).
He worked and retired as Assistant Director- Supervision from the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) after putting in thirty-five (35) years of meritorious service in the Finance & Accounts Department of the Commission.
Mr. Fale has served in various Committees in his career as an Insurance Regulator which includes Chairman of Committee for the Harmonization of Prudential Guidelines for Insurers & Reinsurers, Pioneer Committee member for the production and implementation of IFRS Guidelines issued by NAICOM to the Insurance Operators in 2012 and other Committees. Mr. Fale joined Nigeria Reinsurance Corporation as General Manager Finance & Accounts in 2018, and in 2020, he was appointed as General Manager Marketing.