Other Services

Nigeria Re shares its over three decades knowledge and experience with its clients.
Nigeria Re provides training programs designed to equip clients with requisite skills needed to meet the challenges in the business environment.

Our underwriting is in tune with the rhythm of the marketplace. We focus on risk assessment and competitive variation through exceptional insights tailored to deliver compelling value propositions.

Training & Support

We leverage on our years of experience to help our clients maximize their full potential in the insurance industry.

Claims Management

We process and pay valid and well documented claims promptly.

Risk Management

We forecast, evaluate, and prioritize risks through economical and coordinated approach to minimize the impact and control the probability of its occurrence.

Creativity is to Think More Efficiently

At Nigeria Reinsurance Corporation, we seek to complement the first class treaty and facultative capacity we deliver with the provision of innovative solutions in all classes of business to our customers.

Reachout to us today